The Press
Shakespeare Sonnets (2019)​
"A work of exceptional depth and complexity that takes the essence of Shakespeare’s discourse on life, death and beauty, real or false, and revisions them in a setting of brilliant theatrical invention."
Seeing Dance
DOGMA (2018)
“Aleix Martínez ist hier ein flammendes Plädoyer für mehr Toleranz und Menschlichkeit gelunge“.
LORCA (2018)
“proposa un llenguatge orgànic fet de gestos radicals i expressius, en què el moviment i la paraula s’invoquen mútuament en un suggestiu joc de miralls… "
Aleix Martinez
Born in Barcelona, Spain and currently a dancer with the Hamburg Ballet, Aleix Martinez made his debut as a choreographe in 2012 with Trencadis a work created for the Hamburg Shauspielhaus, for which he received the "Tanz" award, in the category of "Young Talent".
Martinez' work is based on his artistic research and developing and creating new ways of expression and communication, exploring the capacities of interactions between different ranges of the visual arts and artists.
Since 2012, he has been working independently with numerous venues, festivals and social projects , creating Le surrealisme c'est moi (2014) , for the Sant Pere de Rodes Festival, Origens (2015), for the Gong Festival and For 2, (2018) , for the Bielefed Festival in Germany.
In 2016 , Aleix began an artistic residency with the Trintla Cultura Festival , creating Mediterraneo, (2016) , Colors (2017) and Evolution (2018) , as well as an Artistic-Social collaboration with the Project, Salon Kleiner Michel.
As an artist of the Hamburg Ballet at the Staatsoper, he has created Soledad en compañía (2015), Kleines Requiem (2016), ... _ _ _ / S.O.S (2017) and Dogma (2018).
In 2018, Aleix founded ManNera, a platform to support developing his artistic vision and concepts, providing a solid base for research and creation . Lorca, the first work produced by ManNera, was premiered in Barcelona as part of the program "Horitzons".
For The Royal Ballet's International Draft Works in 2019, he created Seelen Spiel a commission by the Hamburg Ballet as part of the celebration opening program for the opening of the refurbished The Linbury Theatre in London.
Aleix's Shakespeare Sonnets was premiered in June, 2019 for the Hamburg Ballet, opening the 45th edition of the annual festival " Hamburger Ballett Tage ".
In 2020, Aleix began an artistic residency with the PoolHaus Blankenese/Hamburg Foundation, an institution that hosted the premiere of Bunker (2021), co-produced by the Antoni Tàpies Foundation (Barcelona), the Hamburger Kunsthalle and the PoolHaus Foundation.
In 2022 he was appointed Artistic Director of Festival Franquesa , where he presented Pols and Pur in 2023 with the collaboration of several Catalan Folk groups, l'Esbart Catala de Dansaires, the Falcons of Barcelona, l'Avalot Teatre or the Gegants of Santa Coloma of Gramenet.
Upcoming productions in 2024 include new creations for Spain's IT Dansa and the Festival Dansaneu.
“Dance , is an art form deeply profound, that’s goes beyond the physical virtuosity, is the secret language of the soul, an international way to connect with different audiences and cultures. Dance is an art form created by humans for humans“
www.aleix martinez (